It´s been seven weeks since the birth of our dear baby boy. I haven´t written anything about the subject yet, because I wanted to enjoy this time 100%. Maybe it goes without saying but still: it has been absolutely magical!
So, now that I´m writing, I thought I´d share six things that I´ve learned during these weeks:
When I was expecting I had terrible visions about the Baby Bubbble. I was afraid that my life would change in ways I didn´t necessarily want to. I had dreams where I was spending my days in some mommy clubs with other moms and their babies and my whole world would revolve only around diapers, milk and meetings with other moms and nothing else.
I still feel that mommy clubs are not meant for myself, but I´ve given up on the fear of the Baby Bubble -and it is wonderful! Growing into motherhood and getting to know the baby (and myself as a mother) has been mind-blowingly great. We have also done many things with the baby already, like long car trips to the summer house, weekends away from home, dinners in restaurants, etc. So, I´m still a part of the same world as I was before, but now I have a beautiful family to share it with.

Many of my friends have left their extra kilos gained during the pregnancy to the hospital or then they have gotten rid of them by breast feeding. I gained about 15kg and still have some extra kilos. But I really don´t care, since it is only temporary and a part of the whole deal. Before I was sure that I would panic if I couldn´t get rid of extra weight right away, but I was wrong again. Of course my body feels different now, but it´s still mine and I´m actually proud of it, since it has gone through some tough times during the process!
Also, I was very worried about stretch marks before, but luckily I managed to avoid them, thanks to Bio Oil! I used 8 bottles of it and it did the job!
This, among so many other things really depend on so many things that it is impossible to say how one´s labor will be and how will it feel like. For very labor is different and everyone experiences it vastly differently. Therefore I really hate it when people start to lecture “oh, you haven´t done it before? Just wait and see…” and then go off on a story about the horrors of giving birth. I find that very arrogant and selfish. Why would you put that kind of pressure on anyones shoulders?
I didn´t read the stories that are all over the internet and managed even not to think too much about the actual event. I mean how else could have I prepare for it, since I had no clue on what was going to happen? Also, I knew that the stories on the internet were mostly “horror stories”, so why would I read them anyway?
Of course I knew it was probably going to hurt and it really was not going to be a walk in the park. But I always thought that the pain would only last for a short period of time and the outcome would be worth it all.
So, how was it? I know some of you won´t believe me but…the whole labor experience was actually beautiful. Not easy by any means, but with the effort and the outcome combined it really was beautiful!
And let me tell you, epidural is the best invention ever!
Now my intention is not jinx anyones labor. I also try not to preach and lecture about it all, at least not more than I already have done. But it´s not easy, since I´m in the Baby Bubble myself
From very early on, we decided that we would continue on living our everyday lives in the same way we had done before. I mean as much as we could, of course. Basically this meant that we wanted to go out for dinners, continue on with our hobbies, etc. We also wanted avoiding overscheduling and worrying too much about everything so we could keep our heads straight as individual persons.
So far we have succeeded pretty well with this plan. The baby was on his first brunch 10 days old and after 3 weeks he made his first 5 hour car trip to the summer house to spend the weekend with my family.
Of course having a baby does limit your social and other life in many ways, but it doesn´t end it. A small baby is easy to carry around if you plan things and know what you are doing. I have to admit that I´m even a little proud that we have actually went and done things from the very first weeks on.
Our baby mainly sleeps in the car and even in the stroller, which are huge benefits, but there are many things to be considered when you leave home with the baby, such as:
Where can you change the diaper? How about the babys clothes, will it fry or freeze? Why is every old lady coming over to make comments on how I should do this and that?
But to sum it up, this again is really up to you. If you want to sanitize everything and stay at home, you can do it. But you can also go on and do things like you´ve always done before!

Being late sucks. So does rush and stress. When you thought you were ready to leave home in time, things usually happen. And you´re gonna have to change the diaper or clothes or feed the baby or just about anything else. EVERYTHING seems to be possible and almost always at the wrong time.
And you can never find baby socks anywhere, for instance. At least when you need them. But when not needed, they appear in the most funniest places. Right now I have a rule of thumb -when I think something will take X amount of time, I multiply it with three.
We have lately had more visitors than ever before. Everybody wants to see the baby and that of course is really nice! But I was told before about how I should bake stuff and put them in the freezer in time. Me being me, of course, I didn´t listen. So we´ve really had some stressful moments when in the middle of all the chaos we´ve realized we have nothing to offer for our guests. So, keep this mind: when you have a baby, ALWAYS have the fridge and the freezer full of food and bakings!
So there you go, I´ll go back into The Bubble again, bye!
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