Our little man turned 39 weeks this week. My maternity leave has lasted for a good while now, and it has been wonderful. The little man is really active and it is moving around to the extent that I already thought that I wouldn’t even make it to maternity leave at all. It’s hard to believe that the moment we have been waiting for almost 9 months is soon at hand and life as we know it, is about to change forever. This April will be something special, that is for sure!
All this time expecting has been so wonderful. Now that I’ve had the time to stay at home all by myself, I’ve done exactly the things I always thought I would do on my maternity leave. I’ve been to breakfasts -alone and with friends, prepared for the time with the baby by washing and ironing his tiny clothes. We have purchased all kinds of baby related things, but only the essentials, since we have tried to avoid getting unneccessary stuff.
I’ve been to a beautician a couple of times and eaten tons of oranges. Last weekend my friends surprised me with a baby shower, that my sister had organized. The shower was even better than I had expected. Kudos to my sister, she really knows me.They took me for a surprise brunch to Hotel Kämp, which is one of my favourite brunches in Helsinki.Thanks to everyone who participated, never in a million years was expecting such a wonderful event like that!
So, everything is ready and we are all set for the baby. At first we thought this was going to be all chaos with the baby related stuff, but it has been surprisingly smooth. Maybe 9 months is enough to mentally prepare and get all the things you are supposed to have when the baby arrives. I’m also surprised about how well we are prepared, because that’s not very typical of us. But hey, there’s a first time for everything!
I’m really proud about the fact that we don’t have too much stuff. Everything has it’s purpose and if it turns we need anything, we’ll get it later. But I haven’t completely lost it, not yet at least. Many people have told me to store food in the freezer, but I’ve refused to do it. I have my own reasons for that, but lately I’ve also had really hard time in the kitchen…or what do you think about dropping a pot full of pancake dough on the floor, for instance? We should also find the time to plan our upcoming renovation project before our little one is born. But more about that project later, now it’s time to focus on more important things!

Pictures Visuelli Erja